Bytes and Bites - Tech, Internet, How Tos, Reviews, Food and Life

Tech, Food and Life. Where passion comes to life.

I Am Officially A Pig

Written by Christopher Kia on 8:10 PM

I write this post upon waking up from my SECOND nap of the day. I woke up at 12.30 p.m. today, went to brunch with my dear parents at Beaufort Restaurant (they serve the best Beaufort Mee! A specialty mee found only in Sabah!). Upon reaching home after brunch, I slept on the couch while watching TV! Then I was awaken by my mum who called me to pick her up from her facial treatment center. We went to buy 'Polo Buns' at Kedai Kopi 10 before heading back home. I ate another TWO 'Polo' Buns before sleeping on the couch again watching TV! Mind me, the time interval between the brunch and the 'Polo Buns' was only two hours. So I am officially a pig now! Dinner in an hour's time! *Snort*

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  1. 1 comments: Responses to “ I Am Officially A Pig ”

  2. By christine on December 30, 2007 at 2:33 AM

    that makes 2 of us :P

Welcome To Bytes and Bites!

Christopher Kia. Passionate, loves tech, yummy food and wants to live his life purposefully. A medical student who spents most of his time in hospitals running after his team of doctors. Otherwise can be found sleeping in his room. Supports Nike, IKEA, Mac, Dell, Mozilla Firefox and also Windows XP (not Vista!). Blogs mainly about his life, findings regarding computers, technology and the internet that he finds interesting and also food, glorious food. His dreams are to join the Amazing Race and also set up a medical center one day. Oh by the way, he is the author of this blog. Support him by telling him what you think about his posts and blog! Come back for more updates!
