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How To Eat Chicken Wings WIthout Using Your Hands - A Step By Step Guide

Written by Christopher Kia on 7:59 PM

Step 1. Look and drool at your wonderful dish of chicken wings..knowing that you will NOT dirty your hands enjoying them :)

Step 2. With a fork, hold your chicken wing in this manner.

Step 3. Bite according to the yellow dotted lines. You will notice that it corresponds to an area where the tiny bones join only by a bit and that it can be bitten off easily.

Step 4. Again, bite according to the yellow dotted lines; some say this is the best part of the chicken wing! Take some time to enjoy this part :)

Step 5. This step is probably the hardest step as it requires biting through the "corner" or the joint of the chicken wing. This area has the most cartilage. Patiently, bite according to the yellow dotted lines.

Step 6. Your chicken wing should now look like this.

To me, this is the best part of the chicken wing eating experience as you can bite through the meatiest part of the chicken wing, easily leaving two long bones behind.

Step 7. This step is pretty much straight forward from now on. Clean up the final two pieces of bone :).

Step 8. Look Ma, no hands!!!

Now you can enjoy your favourite chicken wings without looking too messy and without dirtying your hands. :)

Credits to my beloved Grandma for preparing the chicken wings in the pics and Christine dear for putting up with me during the preparation of this guide :)

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  1. 10 comments: Responses to “ How To Eat Chicken Wings WIthout Using Your Hands - A Step By Step Guide ”

  2. By Nurul Farhah on January 12, 2008 at 1:41 PM

    wow! that's cool. i should try that sometime. thanks!

  3. By Kiwi-Bird on January 12, 2008 at 6:28 PM

    Wow nice one! I used to dislocate the 'radius' and 'ulna' one by one using my fork and spoon before enjoy the meat =) will try your method then! ^^

  4. By Christopher Kia on January 13, 2008 at 3:09 PM

    hehe glad i could help! :) Chicken wings are the way to go!

  5. By Anonymous on January 14, 2008 at 6:59 AM

    Woah, I'm sorry Chris. I absolutely respect your opinions but I'll get absolutely no satisfaction eating my chicken wings like that!

    The Sueyi method is a bit un-glamorous, and therefore, not recommended for public display.

    The way to do it is slobbering it with dear ol' fingers and then licking them clean.

    That makes a finger-lickin good chicken wings meal :)hahaha

  6. By Alexis on January 15, 2008 at 7:22 PM

    Omigosh. Just when I thought I've seen it all, here's a how-to guide for one of the greater mysteries in life! :P Great job, Chris + Christine!

  7. By christine on January 17, 2008 at 10:39 PM

    haha... erm, i didn't really play a part in it except help take the pictures. wahaha!! the way i eat my chicken wings depends on the setting.

  8. By richard on February 11, 2008 at 5:38 AM

    my dear brother, you must have forgotten what we taught you - chicken wings always taste nicer with our hands. and you threw away the best parts - the end bits!!!

  9. By abel pui on February 14, 2008 at 9:15 PM

    I hope u can teach me how to eat prawn and not get ma hand dirty bro!

  10. By Christopher Kia on February 15, 2008 at 12:05 AM

    Ko, it's true but at times you just feel so lazy to dirty your hands! haha...

  11. By Christopher Kia on February 15, 2008 at 12:06 AM

    Abel I promise you that is coming up! haha!

Welcome To Bytes and Bites!

Christopher Kia. Passionate, loves tech, yummy food and wants to live his life purposefully. A medical student who spents most of his time in hospitals running after his team of doctors. Otherwise can be found sleeping in his room. Supports Nike, IKEA, Mac, Dell, Mozilla Firefox and also Windows XP (not Vista!). Blogs mainly about his life, findings regarding computers, technology and the internet that he finds interesting and also food, glorious food. His dreams are to join the Amazing Race and also set up a medical center one day. Oh by the way, he is the author of this blog. Support him by telling him what you think about his posts and blog! Come back for more updates!
