Bytes and Bites - Tech, Internet, How Tos, Reviews, Food and Life

Tech, Food and Life. Where passion comes to life.

Tribute to Bytes & Bites

Written by Christopher Kia on 4:41 PM

Thank you to all readers who have supported this blog since its conception days. Eventhough it did not grow very much due to the authors' various commitments, it has definitely left them with very good memories putting this blog together. Posts like 'How to Eat Chicken Wings Without Using Your Hands - A Step by Step Guide' will always be remembered and it will live as long as people desire to learn the chicken wing hack :) I will now concentrate my thoughts on a more personal blog:

Welcome To Bytes and Bites!

Christopher Kia. Passionate, loves tech, yummy food and wants to live his life purposefully. A medical student who spents most of his time in hospitals running after his team of doctors. Otherwise can be found sleeping in his room. Supports Nike, IKEA, Mac, Dell, Mozilla Firefox and also Windows XP (not Vista!). Blogs mainly about his life, findings regarding computers, technology and the internet that he finds interesting and also food, glorious food. His dreams are to join the Amazing Race and also set up a medical center one day. Oh by the way, he is the author of this blog. Support him by telling him what you think about his posts and blog! Come back for more updates!
